It requires an extremely accurate synchronization with the auctioneer regarding single lots sale. The bids coming from the web are communicated to the auctioneer and the audience in various ways (screen, acoustic signals, etc.), while the room offers are promptly inserted on the system by an operator. In this way the auction has a mixed audience composed by web users, persons who physically attend the auction and bidders participating with other means (phone, etc.).
Our software is used also for the auction room screen, where floor auction participants can see the most relevant information of a lot (image, current prince, etc.) and its current status. Audio or also audio/video streaming si available for web users.
Mobile compliant audio and video streaming
With the new bid-KIT streaming service your costumers can follow your auctions with audio and video from their own devices including mobile devices and thus bid at the moment they think convenient.
The technology that uses bid-KIT for its streaming transmissions achieves a lower than second latency, which makes possible an optimal interaction between the virtual user and the auction room. Best of all, bid-KITs streaming is compatible with all mobile devices!
bid-KIT benefits
Usually the live auction is preceded by an online auction run on our system (more rarely from a bid collecting auction); in the typical scenario the pre-auction offers are already loaded in the system, the auctioneer can therefore start the auction directly from the highest bid. Proxy bids and commissions are already present and can determine automatic counterbids.
All this speeds up and drammaticaly simplifies the auction proceeding.
Live Auction operators
The configuration of the live auction (connection, auction room screen, auctioneer’s screen, audio-video broadcasting) implies the presence of one or more operators, needed also for live auction interface control. The operators can also belong to the auction house personnel, a minimum training is therefore needed; in this case we offer remote assistance.
Live Auction with video streaming